In order to complete an recent project, I had to research the movie "Legion". This is an upcoming survival horror flick in which God sends a legion of Angels to destroy earth. The trailer for this movie stirred within me some deep philosophical thoughts. Thoughts such as "Is humanity in such a state that God would be justified in destroying us?" "How would I fare in a fight against an Angel?" and "Who was lucky enough to impregnate Kate Walsh? But most importantly it got me thinking about "What would I do if the world was about to end?" I would love to say that I would pick up a shotgun and fight 'til the end, but I don't think that would happen. While I never reached an exact answer as to how I would handle the end of the world, I am pretty sure it would involve vodka, video games, Jell-O, and as many Hooters girls as my wife will allow.
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